NFL Team San Francisco 49ers Hacked, Financial Data Leaked
2/14/2022 4:52:42 PM

Blackbyte ransomware hackers have targeted the San Francisco 49ers and leaked their financial data on the darkweb.

Blackbyte has posted some documents from a file called "2020 Invoices" but has not announced a ransom or declared what other files they have stolen. 

"To date, we have no indication that this incident involves systems outside of our corporate network, such as those connected to Levi’s Stadium operations or ticket holders," said the 49ers. 

The 49ers said it has already notified law enforcement and is working with third-party cybersecurity firms to investigate the incident.

The FBI released its security alert on Blackbyte last Friday, just a day before the 49ers hack went public. 

Courtesy: Fourth Estate